Wednesday, July 30, 2003

SPEC Photos

Photos from SPECTACULAR are posted here.

Click on the "SPEC 1" folder or any of the folders that follow.

Sunday, July 27, 2003

SPEC Reports

Seventy Bob is once again doing regular reports from SPEC at Graceland University this week. I will post as many of them as I can. Many in the WOMC will remember Bob from his ministry here last fall. His reports are here.

Friday, July 25, 2003

Sylvania, Toledo, St. Marys - August 17

The Sylvania, Toledo, and St. Mary's congregations will be having activities on Sunday, August 17 in Olander Park in Sylvania, Ohio. The Mission Center President will be speaking at the morning worship. Come casual for worship, food, fellowship and fun.

Mansfield & Sandusky - August 24

The Mission Center President will be preaching at the Mansfield congregation on Sunday morning, August 24.

He will also be preaching at a special service for the Blessing of Children at 6 PM Sunday evening at the Sandusky congregation. All are welcome at these services.


Don't miss the Old Fashioned Picnic at Westerville August 16. See below for more info. Make reservations with your pastor before August 10.

Remember the Campground Association Meeting August 23. Info is here.


The Mission Center President will be at SPEC next week in Lamoni, Iowa.

Monday, July 21, 2003

Special Campground Association Meeting

There will a a special association meeting at Camp Bountiful on Saturday, August 23, 2003 at 1 PM. There are several items on the agenda, one of which is a set of propsed changes the the Campground Bylaws. Those proposed changes are here.

Fall Calendar

Be sure and check the WOMC Calendar for upcoming events this fall. More information will be posted on the calendar at the mission center website and on this page as it becomes available from retreat and event directors.


Spectacular begins this Saturday, July 26 at Graceland University and runs through the following week. Let us prayerfully support all of the young people who will be participating in the many activities there.

WOMC Office

The Northeast Field Bishop and the Mission Center President will continue to be on the road a lot for the rest of the summer. They are at reunions and a variety of other activities. Before coming to the office, be sure and call ahead to make sure the person you want to see will be there.

Thursday, July 10, 2003


The mission center president will be preaching in Lancaster at the Sunday morning service.

Old Fashioned Picnic
Westerville’s Annual Corn and Hog Roast
August 16, 2003

Rain or Shine

Do you remember those picnics that you used to go to as a child? With sack races, horseshoes, egg tosses, volleyball and who can throw the ball the furthest. Well that is what we remember and how much fun it was to get together and tell stories of how great we were. You know the sort of stories, the older I get, and the better I was. Do you know that there are some youngin’s in our midst that don’t have these fond memories, what a shame!

Well the whole mission center and friends are invited. We plan to have a horseshoe tournament, to determine who is the best horseshoe pitcher in the mission center (one year’s bragging rights guaranteed). There will be a couple’s egg toss to find the most compatible couple and marriage counseling available for the rest. Plus volleyball, pitch and catch, one legged paired sack races, and individual sack races, we might even have some leg wrastlin’. We will have a prize for the congregation with the highest percentage in attendance (and Westerville don’t count cause there expected anyway’s). If this is like all of the other functions that I have been to there will be more good food than you can shake a stick at. We could even break into a song or two if prompted.

I’ll have the hog in the roaster at 7am and we will get started acookin’ corn around 1:30pm and plan on starting eating at 2pm. With vittles available all day and as much as agoin’ on I suspect we’all be here til 8pm anyway’s.

Where: Westerville Congregation, shelter house behind the church

The Westerville church address is here.
Maps and directions to Westerville are here.

When: August 16th from 2-8pm

What to bring: Your favorite covered dish, vegetable or desert

How to dress: casual, and comfortable to the weather

We will have the roast hog, ice, some drinks, corn and condiments and will accept contributions to defray these costs

Any questions or directions, email Dan & Fran @:

Please make reservations through your pastor, or email Dan and Fran at the address above.

Monday, July 07, 2003


Andi and Jim (Graceland Rep and mission center president) will be at Kirtland for activities at the Temple on Monday, July 7.

They will be providing ministry at the Sylvania, OH congregation Wednesday evening, July 9 at 7 PM. They will present an audio-visual worship meditation based on the recent reunion at Camp Bountiful. They will also share in the ministry of preaching. All are welcome. There will also be a 6 PM potluck before the service. Bring some food and join us. The address for the Sylvania congregation is here.


We had a fine reunion at Camp Bountiful with Senior President of Seventy Bob Kyser and Presiding Bishop Larry Norris. They brought excellent ministry. Many others contributed to the worship, classes, fellowship, food, activities, and recreation throughout the week. The mission center president will be bringing a slide worship around to interested congregations. The slide worship will include music, scriptures, and photos from the reunion.

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