Sunday, July 30, 2006


The WOMC office will be closed July 30 - August 5. Mission Center leaders are out of town for church events or vacations.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


For one week every summer, 1000 high school age youth gather at Graceland University in Lamoni Iowa for SPECTACULAR.

This year we had another great year at SPEC. This year's theme for the week: "Have Love...." The daily themes are in Seventy Bob's daily SPEC reports.

You can read Bob's reports at

Bob is from Denver Colorado so his reports make several references to the Rockies delegation, but his reports cover enough of SPEC to be of interest to readers from others places. E-mails that we receive indicate that his SPEC reports are read by people all over the church.

If you are eligible to participate and haven't yet come to SPEC, consider coming next summer.

Worship, classes, sports, and arts, and entertainment are all part of the program.

It can be one of those "experiences of a life time".

We want to see you there.

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